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Are you seeking answers to questions about emotional issues, health issues, financial issues, romance and relationship issues, or life purpose issues? The angels can help you by guiding you how to clear blocks and imbalances to these areas of your life.
"Caroline's reading for me was so beautiful. Messages from the angels flowed like a stream through her and touched my heart. I knew she was speaking the truth. In her readings she could tell me exactly what I was experiencing and what new things were coming. She helped me become aware of blocks that were holding me back from being completely happy. I am so glad she uncovered that blind spot for me." Donna Virgilio, USA
"I was a very fortunate recipient of an angel reading from Caroline Nettle in October of 2012. I only have had one reading in my life that I would consider exceptional (from a psychic who aids the police in their work solving crimes). I now can add Caroline's angel reading to my exceptional list! The messages she communicated were more accurate than even she may have realized. She trusted the messages she received and passed them on to me. Once you have an angel reading from Caroline, you will feel the love she radiates and her deep desire to share the messages to help others. I highly recommend her readings...You will be amazed! Hummingbirds & hugs to Caroline for sharing her gift ღ" Grace, UK
"Hello Ms. Nettle, You recently did a reading for my wife Maria which, quite frankly, blew her away and I am interested in having one done for me." Graeme,Trinidad.
I connect with the angels and ask them some questions that you have about your life. As a guideline, the majority of people want to know about areas of their lives including health, wealth, career, love- life and soul purpose, or whatever else is troubling them.
Whether you choose an email reading, or an in person reading, the experience may be a healing session and is enlightening and empowering, uplifting and encouraging. I see my job as helping you to connect with your angels and teaching you how to communicate with them directly yourselves. I record the readings and then send you the recording via email.
I will do the readings in the order that I receive payment and I will try to do them within 48 hours of receipt of payment, Monday to Friday. However, some days are busier than others, and so I ask for your patience if I have a backlog. I will inform you when your reading will be if I cannot do it within the 48 hour period.
Some example questions-
• What would my angels like me to know today?
• How can I improve my relationships?
• How can I bring love into my life?
• What is my life purpose?
• How can I improve my health?
• How can I learn to hear my angels?
• What issues do I need to work on to move forward?
Angel Readings are for entertainment purposes only and by paying for an angel reading, you are agreeing to my terms which are that I accept no responsibility for your choices following the reading and I strongly recommend that all medical concerns be addressed to a professional, and all mental health issues to a mental health professional.
Angel Readings are for entertainment purposes only and by paying for an angel reading, you are agreeing to my terms which are that I accept no responsibility for your choices following the reading and I strongly recommend that all medical concerns be addressed to a professional, and all mental health issues to a mental health professional.
One Hour Angel Reading or Gift Voucher with Caroline £80.00
More testimonials from clients:
"Caroline's unique style of reading has allowed me to move forward in my life with a new perspective. Her readings are accurate and inspiring and have showed me possibilities I have never considered before. She has an amazing ability to bring forward information that is very healing. Through her readings, I have reconnected with my Angels, in a new and exciting way. I love the advice, it is very specific, and very helpful. I thoroughly recommend her services. Caroline, I would like to express my gratitude to you again for this wonderful reading. Your readings have helped me so much. You have an incredible gift". Ash, Perth, Western Australia.
"I had no idea what to expect with my angel reading from Caroline. It was so interesting. From the three questions I could ask, Caroline told me several angel messages that encouraged me on my life's journey. She did not know I was writing a book but during the session she encouraged me to complete my writing at my computer. Recently retired from my career, physically ill, mentally exhausted, and suffering with insomnia she gave me several angel messages to rest, play and meditate. I followed this advice and my health has improved dramatically." Judy Harrington, Kentucky
"Dear Caroline, Everything is so true. I know that I am in stand by until I am ready. Fear is part of it and I can create lots of excuses for my career. This made me so happy. Thank you so much," Silvia, USA
"Caroline, NO WAY! You are so psychic, my dear!!! You nailed this reading - spot on! I didn't even give you a topic and this romance/letting go, etc., was first and foremost on my mind!! Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! You are truly gifted! In gratitude, Tracy, USA
"My dear Caroline, You are so right! Thank you so much for your loving, true and embracing reading. I am so glad to have you in my life!" Sandra, Germany.
"Hi Caroline, Thank you for this very thorough and accurate reading. I have many changes around me. Your information is awesome and thank you for this. I'll refer back to it often." Jacqueline, USA
"Dear Caroline, Amazing. You had a ton of hits. You are very powerful & clairvoyant. Thank you for your time and energy and talent. You can read for me anytime! Love & Light," Eileen, USA
“I have had an angel reading with Caroline recently, and it was a totally fascinating and insightful experience. What was conveyed, was not that surprising or new to me, but it framed and confirmed some very fundamental things in my life and it gave me some pointers to work towards. It was incredible useful, and it has allowed me to move forward in life me more confidence in what I’m doing. Caroline is fun, sharp, warm and caring, and I would recommend an angel reading to everyone. I have now booked a reading for my partner although he’d not really convinced about the idea of angels, but I’m sure he will still get loads out of it, and Caroline is so down to earth that I’m sure she will not spook him out.” Britt Jorgensen, UK
“Caroline and I have worked together for over a year. She is highly intuitive and communicates what she senses in a manner that helps you take the next steps on your path. There are things we may not want to hear or see, but if you are dipping your toe in to growing spiritually – I can highly recommend Caroline as a trusted guide, teacher, friend, and colleague.” Doreen Rice, USA
Each session is recorded, so you’ll receive it as a MP3 file, allowing you to listen to it again whenever you need a little extra inspiration.
Absolutely anyone can benefit from an Angel Reading, regardless of religion, colour or nationality – an open heart and mind are helpful but not necessary, and the messages are practical and tailored to you and your issues. So whether it’s for yourself, or a special gift for a loved one or friend, decide today to ask for an Angel Reading. Once you have paid, send me an email with your questions (3-5 for a one hour session, and maximum 3 for a half hour session). Alternatively, you may just wish to know what your angels are trying to tell you, in which case, send that in an email.
Buying a Gift Voucher. Please inform me when you are purchasing a Gift Voucher so that when the recipient contacts me for the reading, I know who they are.